Saturday, October 18, 2014

Recognizing Your Strengths & Believing Those in Your Corner {Day 19.0 & 20.0}

Day 19.0
For so long I saw some of my strengths as weakness... Sometimes I still do. But I have realized that sometimes what we see as flaws are really assests that have brought us to where we are. And some weakness can be used as strengths.
One of my biggest struggles to accept is my quietness. I was reminded of this recently as I sat feeling mostly alone in a room full of people that I did not know very well, that do not know me very well, in surroundings I was unfamiliar with. So I sat quietly, painfully aware of how quietness comes across. These are the moments when I need reminded that being quiet is a strength I can use... I am still learning how to do that. But even this is progress. For my whole life I thought there was something WRONG with me because I was more quiet than most others. But as I begin to understand that part of me better, the more of an asset it becomes and the more confident I become. And in the moments I succomb to the old lies I remind myself that what matters most is what is on the inside, not what others see from the outside. 
Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. (1 Peter 3:4 NIV) 
 It's hard for me to talk about my strengths. I struggle to sit here and type out the things I have recognized as strengths either by myself or through someone else. But I think it is important for us to be able to point out our strengths especially for the sake of ourselves. So I want to list some of my strengths I have recognized overtime and through the help of others. Won't you do the same? 
Ready? Go!

Go with the flow
Always seeking growth
Quick learner 
Solution based

(Once I got going, it became easier to think of more strengths) 

Day 20.0

 I love this quote because it reminds me that I must believe the things, those who love me, say about me. Sometimes it just so hard to believe good things that others say about me. I tend to be incredibly hard on myself... That's likely and understatement. So when someone who loves me says they see a greatness in me, I don't believe them. 
The key to thriving in this area, is belief! 
Believe the people who are in your corner. And for those who aren't? In the epically epic words of Sugar Brown "ain't nobody got time for dat"  
So listen to the people who are in you corner, and believe them! Let them speak truth, encouragement and life into you. 
I am most certainly preaching to myself here too. 

As always, thank you for following along
~jimmie lee 

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