Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Renew Your Mind {Day 7.0}

I thought I'd be a pessimist forever. I was the QUEEN of negative self talk. It played in my head all day long. I would walk away from uncomfortable situations and berate myself and scrutinize over every little detail.
It was a horrible way to live actually.
I HAD to transform my thinking. I had to change my perspective. 
I began filling myself with truth. I would read God's word and seek answers. God would always send me something I needed to hear or learn. He would speak to me and teach me things through his word, music, book studies, other people and a multitude of other ways. Before I knew it (quite literally) my thinking had shifted from negative 100% of the time to negative only about 50% of the time. (I am totally making these numbers up by the way. But I'm sure you understand the illustration) 
Then one day, someone told me that they thought I was always positive. I chuckled a little at the thought. I still didn't feel like I was a positive thinker. So, I started paying attention. Turns out, I am no longer a 'die hard' pessimist. Learning to shift my thinking has changed my life. It had taken me from surviving to thriving.

It took a lot of hard work on my end and a whole lotta God's grace to get to a place where I could even entertain the idea of thinking more positively. I was so bogged down with unnecessary burdens I couldn't see myself or my life any differently than what it was. As I was being transformed I got to a place where I was just so sick of my stinking thinking that I knew I had to do something different. I couldn't just take life laying down anymore. Once I got to that place, a place where I could see better, I began looking for the positives. This transformation has open new opportunities and relationships for me that I never would have had otherwise. Nixing the negativity was the starting point to seeing myself in a new way and ultimately seeing me the way God sees me.

Today, if you are in a place where you can not even entertain a positive thought and it seems like your life will always be this way, I want to tell you that there is HOPE! God has a plan for you. I know he does because I have been in your shoes, I felt the same things and even though I knew God had a plan for me I didn't think I would ever find out what it was. But He has taken me through a process and he has been faithful through it all. When you get to the place where you no longer dwell on the negative, because I know you will, you will look back and see God's faithful hand on you the entire way. There is hope, hold onto that hope!

Thank you for following along on this 31 day journey. You can catch up on my other posts here.

~jimmie lee

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